gvo3 & Associates and F&I Compliance Management System
Automotive retailer’s Sales and F&I processes are under ever-increasing regulation, scrutiny and litigation from Attorneys General, class action attorneys, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The CFPB requires all finance sources it supervises to have a documented Compliance Management System in place.
A Compliance Management System assists in the defense of litigation and governmental inquiries using a structured, comprehensive risk management approach to forms, processes, documentation, auditing and training.
Since its founding over 15 years ago, gvo3 & Associates specializes in developing and implementing a Compliance Management System for its Dealer clients ranging from single-point dealerships to public companies in 37 states.
The gvo3 & Associates Compliance Management System includes:
- An exhaustive risk assessment;
- Development of Sales and F&I Policy & Procedure Manual;
- Customized compliance training;
- Establishing a tertiary audit process, including independent audits;
- Generating an Action Plan from audit findings requiring follow-up; and
- Coordination of industry certification.